
Silver Lining?

For about a month, The Wife and I have been talking about how excited we are for next June.  That's when the lease on our current rental house is up.  Things have just not been as easy as we thought it would be with renting vs owning.  The good thing is that we don't have to pay for the repairs that have been done to the washer, dryer, and dishwasher.  The bad thing is that between those three things, we waited about 12 days total for them to be fixed.  And we have yet to hit the three month mark of living here.  Then, I got an email this morning, directly from the owner, saying that he has to move out of wherever he's living, therefore he would like for us to move out of this house, so he can have it.  Good times all around.  We spent most of today panicking and trying to figure out what we are going to do and where we are going to live.  We did get to see one house tonight and we're going to see another on our lunch breaks tomorrow.

In an effort to avoid licensing issues, like the kids getting to have the master bedroom and us getting stuck in the second bedroom, we are the people who are showing up to house viewings with a tape measure.  The windows in the current house are about two inches too small each direction, except for one of the bedrooms, so it's very important to us to find a house where we will be able to enjoy the master bedroom ourselves.

We've also decided that we need to stay in the general area of Leonard and Penny's daycare.  Penny would get along just fine, wherever she lands, but Leonard is just now getting used to daycare and is super happy to go there every day now.  They were really getting settled in, and while we don't believe the move itself will set them back at all, disrupting daycare to move to an unfamiliar place is just something that doesn't need to be done if we can avoid it.

Hopefully I will have an update tomorrow and we'll be able to come home and start packing.  We could have started packing tonight, but why do today what you can put off until tomorrow.  Maybe tomorrow we can start packing and know where it's going to end up.

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