
Catching Up

There really hasn't been a lot going on around our house as of late.  The kids, especially Leonard, are settling in even more than they previously had.  Penny has been settled from the beginning, but he was having trouble with transitions and that sort of thing until the last week or so.  Things slowly got better around the house, with bedtime and bath time, and things have been running pretty smoothly.  Daycare was hit and miss though.  Sometimes he would cry at drop-off, sometimes he would cry at pick-up, often times, he would cry during changes at daycare... things like coming inside from the playground would upset him.  The last few days, the people at daycare have been writing on his daily sheet that he has been all smiles and very happy.

Yesterday, at the kids' visit with their mom, she gave them each a card.  It was from their aunt and uncle and little cousin, just saying how they loved them and can't wait to see them again.  We also received a card.  There was a long note written on the inside, telling us how much they appreciate everything and, at one point, it even said something about how they could not have hand-picked a better place for the kids to stay during this time.  Like I've said in previous posts... this is, in no way, your typical foster placement.

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