
Saturday Recap

Saturday was a fairly good day.  We went to the clown show... which included magic and juggling... so that was fun for the kids.  They got little red clown noses to take home even.
After we got home and some naps were taken, The Wife's parents came over to see The Kid and meet Leonard and Penny.  They definitely got a face-to-face with Penny, as she is super out-going and hasn't ever met anyone that she doesn't like.  At the birthday party we went to a couple of weekends ago, she turned to someone that The Wife and I have never even met and said, "Good party, huh?".  So that pretty much sums her up.  Leonard sat on the stairs, then had a snack, then broke into a tearful, yet stationary, tantrum for no apparent reason other than he didn't get his regular two and a half hour nap.  He earned an all-inclusive trip for one to his bedroom for that one.   After her parents left, The Wife went upstairs, read him a book and he was good to go for the rest of the day.  Other than a little wetness on our trip to see the clowns and then again during the crying fit, Leonard managed to keep his pants dry all day.  Seems like progress to me... but who knows really.

Nachos and chicken wings for dinner were a hit... as pretty much everything we've made for them has been.  Risotto will be the dinner of choice tonight... but who doesn't like rice?

We are going somewhere with animals today... we're leaving in about 15 minutes and we haven't decided which place we're going yet.  Either the zoo or the farmstead/petting zoo place...

1 comment:

  1. Can I be your foster kid? Poopdar over here would like to be one as well.
