
A Place for Everything

And everything in its place.

The nursery is done.  It took some arranging and rearranging (and maybe even some more rearranging), but it is now complete.  We have a lamp on back-order, but we don't know where that is going in the room, so it doesn't count.

Helpful tip to any future painters... don't paint the doorknob when you paint the door.  It's not nearly as easy to wipe off as you'd like it to be.

We decided to go the extra (cute) step and get matching letters for the kids' bedroom doors.

No... the next one will not start with "I"

Some pictures of the completed project:


Big Bang of a Gift

Hands down, the coolest baby gift we could possibly get.  It came from a fellow giant geek and co-worker of The Wife.  He stood in line for 90 minutes and didn't even get a picture for himself. 


Nursery Fun

We have nearly finished the nursery.  Short of some curtain tie-backs and scraping the paint off of the doorknob that was easier to paint over than around, it's complete.  The crib is together, the sheet is on, the dresser, bookshelf, dresser and glider are in place.  We have some pictures and shelves hung, with a few books strategically placed on display.  We even have the diapers washed and ready to go, as well as all of his tiny clothes.  Tom Petty was right when he said, "the waiting is the hardest part".

Here are a few preview pictures.  I'll be sure to post some more once we're settled on where everything is going to be in the room.


Wall Art
Push Toys/Decoration


Wall Art


My Special Day

This morning, one of my co-workers told me that I needed to come to the breakroom at 12:30.  Naturally, I assumed that she had an in on some free food.  When I walked in, there was a cake on the table and an envelope with my name on it.  My first thought was that it was some sort of late celebration for my birthday that passed a few weeks ago.  Apparently it was their version of a baby shower for me.  It was a complete surprise.

Inside the card were two very generous gift cards.  One was for Target and one was for Babies R Us.  Not only was the whole "party" unexpected, but the gift cards were more than a surprise.  There were signatures on the card from people on my side (administration) of the office, as well as a couple of people from our office in Iowa.  When I came back, I shared the news of the party and gifts with The Wife and we decided that the baby was going to have the coolest swing ever.    We thought we were done with the shopping... but it looks like we've got a little bit more to do!!!


Maybe We'll Move to a Commune

Because we're taking the hippie route and cloth diapering.  But really, saving the environment doesn't have anything to do with it.  We know that, while we may have spent a decent amount of money up front, we are done spending anything on diapers.  Plus... LOOK AT HOW CUTE THEY ARE!!!  

That said, there will definitely be a learning process for tending to the diapering needs of the baby.  The Wife has some experience with them, whereas, I have none.  Neither of us have experience in the "fumbling around trying to cloth diaper a baby in the middle of the night" department.  Messes and hilarity will surely ensue.

Gettin' There

I keep saying that I'm going to start writing more... and I keep not writing more.  Or at all.

We have crossed the six week threshold on the baby watch.  All is well and his growth is right on track.  Ok... technically he's about two weeks ahead.  He's just an overachiever like that I guess.  The doctor informed The Wife that he would like to induce at about 39 weeks.  Of course, the 39 week mark according to his information is actually only two days before what the actual due date should be, according to charts and figures and such that The Wife has kept a close eye on.  Pfft... doctors.  We have the Internet... we don't need doctors.  Except for the actual delivery of a baby... but I'm sure there are plenty of YouTube videos about that.

We have the nursery almost entirely done and it looks amazing.  We went with a grey, white and yellow theme, so it's not the same ol' nursery of pastels and strong gender specific colors.  Now that's living on the edge.

Here are some "before" pictures:

Um... a huge mess.
The boxes that overtook our living room while the room was painted

The dresser and the letters that would be painted as decoration