
My Special Day

This morning, one of my co-workers told me that I needed to come to the breakroom at 12:30.  Naturally, I assumed that she had an in on some free food.  When I walked in, there was a cake on the table and an envelope with my name on it.  My first thought was that it was some sort of late celebration for my birthday that passed a few weeks ago.  Apparently it was their version of a baby shower for me.  It was a complete surprise.

Inside the card were two very generous gift cards.  One was for Target and one was for Babies R Us.  Not only was the whole "party" unexpected, but the gift cards were more than a surprise.  There were signatures on the card from people on my side (administration) of the office, as well as a couple of people from our office in Iowa.  When I came back, I shared the news of the party and gifts with The Wife and we decided that the baby was going to have the coolest swing ever.    We thought we were done with the shopping... but it looks like we've got a little bit more to do!!!

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