
Labor Day and Whatnot

Alright... back in action on the blogging.  I hope.  Between the sickness that plagued our house for a couple of weeks and the recent news from the landlord that we needed to move out by the end of September, the blog has not been a major priority.

We found a place to live that is only 2.8 miles from where we live now, so Leonard and Penny get to keep going to the same daycare and it doesn't add a whole lot of driving time or mileage.  For the first time since living with my parents... about fourteen years ago... I have a real house to live in.  I have lived in a duplex and a few townhomes in that time, but it's an actual house this time.  And I think that I'm looking forward to doing yardwork and mowing and such.  We're renting, so the big stuff is still up to the landlord, but we can finally plant our garden and (attempt to) grow our own herbs and maybe even some vegetables.  The kids will still be sharing a room, but that's the way they seem to like things.  We'll have a playroom that won't take up our living space or be in the way of a dining room, which is much like now, and sort of hard to find in our price range.  Moving day is the 29th.  I took Leonard and Penny by the new house yesterday, just to show them what it looked like.  They didn't really seem all that interested until I informed them of the massive backyard where they can play baseball and hopefully play in the snow this winter.  After that, they talked about it for a good ten or fifteen minutes.

Yesterday, Leonard decided that he was over this whole wearing diapers thing.  He's two and a half, so we'll say that we were cautiously optimistic.  That's not entirely true.  We had very little confidence.  When he woke up this morning, I asked if he was ready for a new diaper, he said, "no, underpants".  So I obliged, thinking that would last all of an hour.  That was at 7:30am.  It's now 6:40pm and he's still going strong.  The doubts that we had up to this point were mostly based on the fact that we had never heard him express a need to go to the bathroom.  For now, we're calling eleven hours into underwear a success, but we are still expecting obvious setbacks.  Over the course of the last two hours or so, he has even told me that he needed to go twice.  During bathtime, we talked about how if he could do this well again tomorrow, that we would only need diapers at naptime and bedtime and he could start wearing underwear to daycare.  Currently, he is wearing dinosaur underwear and he informed me that he would like to wear those tomorrow as well.

We went to The Wife's parents' house today for an end of summer Labor Day weekend cookout.  The Wife's brother and sister-in-law and their three kids were over and it was the calmest house to have five kids, age seven and under, ever.  Leonard played and colored with our little niece, who just turned one in June.  Penny played with the oldest niece, who is seven and just started 2nd grade.  For a while, Leonard, Penny and the oldest of theirs played with the tee ball set that we got not too long ago.  For a two and three year old, they can really make some solid contact with the bat and ball.  And no one got beaten or chased with a bat... so that was awesome too.  We had some very, very sweaty kids after a short time, so we went inside to play and wait for the food to be done.  These two are such good eaters.  They had some goldfish crackers and raw green peppers to tide them over until lunch was ready.  Leonard sat at the table patiently waiting and eating some macaroni & cheese, as he was awaiting the hamburgers that were cooking.  The other kids had hotdogs that were done first.  When they finished, they got up and went to play.  Leonard stayed.  He sat at the kitchen table and finished his chips, macaroni & cheese, cheeseburger, and fruit, while he chatted with The Wife's mom and dad and grandmother.  This, coming from the kid that just started crying for no reason a couple of weeks ago with the same people.  It's been an amazing and shocking transformation.

The Wife is currently editing pictures, so I will be sure to post what I can later tonight.

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