
F - L - U

I know every year, at least one health organization (CDC, WHO, etc) comes out and says that "this year will be the worst flu season in 20 years" or something along those lines.  Generally, I like to take the "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude.  

Unfortunately, this will not be one of those years.  We got word from Marty that the kids are not allowed flu shots, as it apparently falls into the immunization category with their mom.  Obviously it's her right to decide that kind of thing, we just wish that she had chosen differently.  We'll be stocking up on orange juice for the winter months and pumping them full of as many foods that can help prevent sickness as much as we possibly can.  We've seen the statistics and as many as 20,000 kids, under age 5, are hospitalized every year with the flu.  Penny and Leonard go to daycare, where they are exposed to so many different kids and adults, that we have no idea where the winter months will take us.  We don't want them to end up sick at all, let alone in the hospital, so we will be doing our best to keep them healthy.  Maybe the vitamins and orange juice and everything else (we are allowed to try) will do the trick.

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