
Food = Love

Except that's not true at all. I know of a couple of people who seem to like that approach to life.

At visits yesterday, there were the following foods and drinks:

4 Bananas
Chocolate Milk
Fruit Punch
Butterscotch Pudding
Chocolate Pudding
Pretzel Sticks
French Fries
Ranch Dressing... for dipping everything

Aside from the unhealthy aspect of many of the items on this list, it seems like a decent list of snacks that would last a couple of weeks. Or just two hours worth of visits... that occur about an hour and a half after they finish breakfast at daycare. Their mom does a decent job, all things considering, as she generally brings them lunch, which is usually the hamburgers and fries and lemonade. The rest of that list comes during their visit with their dad. And they eat it. Obviously not all of the food gets eaten, but who could possibly eat that much food? Yesterday, The Wife and I decided that we are no longer accepting food to bring home from the visits. Leonard and Penny's parents can make the call as to whether or not they would like to throw it away or take it home with them. In the nine visits since they have come to us, we have easily thrown away $150 worth of food. And that might be a huge understatement. It could easily be over $200. Maybe when they realize that we don't need the food for the kids and they have to throw away unopened, perfectly good food, they'll stop bringing it. Somehow I doubt that.

Good news though... there weren't any more toys and useless crap sent this week. After last week's maracas and noisy magic wand thing, we are way past over that too.

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