
Is It Over Yet?

Man these two are a lot for an entire day. 

Leonard had his jersey on and Penny had her cheerleading outfit on earlier this afternoon before the game started and all they did was yell and cheer.  And about fifteen minutes later, the game actually started.  While he has a pretty good grasp on the way that baseball works, he has no idea whatsoever how or what football is.  Everytime they ran a play, he just stared at the screen and yelled, "Look!  Those guys are all falling down!".  I'm fairly certain that he had no idea there was even a ball involved in the game.  The network switched to show some highlights from another game at one point and during the touchdown celebration that was on, Leonard looked at me and said, "They're hugging him!".  They lost interest about 30 minutes into the game.

Not much else went on today.  The Wife and I relocated everything to one side of the basement, so when moving day comes, it's a little more condensed for the movers.  We determined that, until Leonard informs us that he needs to go to the bathroom, he is not ready for underwear.  He does really well when we send him to the bathroom every 45 minutes, but we both agree that is not potty trained in the least.  It would be nice to have two potty trained kids, but that's probably asking a lot out of a 2.5 year old.

In other news... we think that once we move to the new house, since the windows are big enough to be licensed for kids in all of the bedrooms, we're going to call and say that we're open to taking a baby.  We have a daycare and we have a crib.  AND WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF CUTE BABY THINGS THAT WE HAVEN'T GOTTEN TO USE YET.  We know that Leonard and Penny will, most likely, be with us into next summer, but we feel as though we are ready to take on a third kid.  Who knows if that will work out... but we're sure gonna try.

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