
Things Have to Get Better... Right?

Today was another rough day for The Wife.  She had the unlucky draw of staying home with sick Leonard, as I am out of PTO due to the new job and week of vacation a month ago.
It all started when Penny and I came to say goodbye to The Wife and Leonard.  He did not take the news that we were leaving without him to go to daycare very well.  He cried for a few minutes and then got to go sit in his room.  He cried while she put him in a diaper, rather than having a crying related accident in underwear.  Then he kept laying in the middle of his floor crying for quite a while.

When I got home from work, he was sitting on the couch watching cartoons.  I asked him if he was wearing a diaper or underwear and he just stared at me.  After I asked again and got no response, he got to sit at the kitchen table alone to think about his answer.  He still didn't want to answer a few minutes later, so up to his room he went.

One of our goals since the kids have gotten here is having them ask for help.  For the most part, Penny asks for things or help.... minus the shoe incident yesterday.  Leonard doesn't talk.  He just gets real quiet.  For about a week, the battle was his shirt at bathtime.  He could take his shorts and diaper off, but would just stand there staring at me with his shirt on.  After a few nights, he finally started saying "please".  It's not asking for help, but it's at least acknowledging that he needs something.  Tonight was more of the same... generally speaking at least.  First it was the question when I got home, then at dinner, after Penny asked for barbeque sauce and a fork for her chicken (they already had spoons for corn), Leonard just stared at me.  He ate all of his corn and then he just kept looking at me.  I asked him if he was done and he sort of gave an "I don't know" shrug.  I'm pretty sure that he wanted some of the barbeque sauce or maybe a fork, but I guess we'll never really know.  He managed to eat some of his chicken with the spoon, so I'm sure he was plenty full (half a can of corn will have that effect), but nonetheless... he did not say the words.

Tomorrow could be another rough one.  Hard to say at this point.  Penny will be visiting the dentist to get those four cavities filled.  She gets the laughing gas and a shot, so hopefully that will help her with the pain, but it still might be a bad evening.  Leonard will be going back to daycare after their visits alone, which will remain a secret to him until he realizes it.  If he does.  Hopefully the happiness of being back at daycare after missing a day will overwhelm him and his sister not being in the same building will go unnoticed.

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