
The Boyz

Leonard and Oscar are off to a great start in their friendship... nevermind that Oscar is seven months old and has no real opinion on the matter.  They sit next to each other in the car and just laugh at each other.  We have no idea what is going through either of their heads, but it keeps Leonard from talking incessantly and it keeps Oscar happy, so it works for us.

Tonight when we got home, I gave the doorway jumper a second shot.  Last night, I put Oscar in it and he just fell over asleep.  Tonight, he was a little more awake and liked it for a while.  Leonard stood over by him and talked to him and was just kind of nearby for a few minutes and Oscar was loving life.  Then Leonard walked away to talk to me and it all went downhill.  The way Oscar screamed and cried, you would think he had fallen out of the thing entirely.  Once I lifted him out, he was good again... I guess he just didn't want to be left alone.. which is kind of his thing.

Leonard was very concerned with
why Oscar was so upset

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