
He's a Trend-Setter

We have discovered, in the last few weeks, that Leonard is very interested in clothes.  He always wants to pick out his shoes to go with whatever clothes he's wearing and he gets super excited about new clothes.  The Wife decided that Leonard would be going hipster style this fall and winter, so his closet contains both green denim jeans and skinny jeans, as well as sweater vests and some very fashionable shoes.  Here he is from yesterday, rockin' the green jeans.

At the same time as he enjoys the daytime fashions, his favorite pajamas are the ones with feet in them.  When he sleeps without footie pjs, he usually enjoys wearing his slippers to bed.  When he wakes up, he always seems to be surprised that one (or both) of his slippers have fallen off in the night.  Apparently, in his mind, they should still be on twelve hours later.  Last night was a footie pj night.  Penny threw a massive fit during the day, so there were no cartoons for her before bed, but I did manage to get a cute picture of Leonard curled up on the couch with his lion, watching some Dora.

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