
Once the Dust Settled

After what we heard was a crazy courtroom and then a fairly calm planning meeting, it looks like Leonard and Penny will be with us through the fall.  The next court date is in December, but we don't really know if that means that they could go back sooner, will go back in December, or could be here longer.  Either way though, we know they'll be here for a few months at least.  Looks like we may be planning a 4th birthday party for little miss come October!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8.8.12

    Hi guys! I'm on the exact same timeline as you. I got licensed, waited four months, then got my first placement on July 18th. My caseworker told me to expect him to stay with me through December (and I know that doesn't mean anything, really). I'm glad you're blogging, I'll be following!
