
Monthly Meeting #4

We had our meeting on Monday evening.  Kate's last day at the agency was last Friday, so her replacement, Lisa, came to the house.  Marty came too, obviously.  His last day will be this Friday, but his replacement (whom we met last week at visits), Gloria, was absent from the meeting.  He did assure us that she would be available if we needed anything after he has left.  Elaine was unable to make the meeting... big shocker there.

We didn't discuss Oscar so much, just because Elaine wasn't there and we were mostly covering things with Leonard and Penny.  There is a slight chance that they could be leaving us in December, but it's still hard to say at this point.  Their parents still aren't working their caseplans and Marty was asked by the court to make a recommendation.  He told us that his recommendation was that he "can't make a recommendation at this time".  From what we know about the case, there has been little progress by either of the parents to get the kids back.  We are both surprised and completely un-surprised by that.  Neither The Wife or myself could imagine not doing everything that was asked to get our kids back, yet these people who have two kids that they seemingly adore at visits, can't get their act together enough to not have them in fostercare anymore.  Court is set for December 11th, so we have at least another month with the kids... after that, your guess is as good as mine.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I will put $99 on their not leaving in December. Things sound too touch and go.
