

Leonard and Penny's parents are something else.  I know I've documented these things before with the food and such.  In the last week, Gloria has relayed a few things to me from the parents, or at least their dad.  He wanted to know if they were taking any vitamins, so I told Gloria that they just took regular vitamins for kids... Flintstones or whatever was available.  Gloria then said, through just a hint of snark, "Well, he said something about fish oils or omega something or other"... I'm pretty sure she assured him that they were getting vitamins of some kind.  In the same conversation, I learned that their dad also wanted to know "why Penny isn't in preschool"... again, Gloria was kind enough to take this one on her own.  She went on the daycare's website and printed off all of the information they had available and gave it to him.  Not only did Penny move from the preschool to the Pre-K classroom about three months ago, but Leonard moved from the two year old room to the preschool classroom right after Thanksgiving.  So yeah... school is taken care of.

When Gloria called their parents to cancel visits for today, due to their illness, their dad once again questioned it.  He wanted to know if they had been to the doctor, what the doctor said and if they were on any medications.  She let him know that we had not been to the doctor yet, but that we were on our way there at the time.

All of the recent questions have come on the heels of being asked four days before Christmas if they had been taken to see Santa, at the location they go to every year.  If we hadn't been, it was requested that we take them.  Obviously we didn't have to take them, but we obliged and took them, since it was apparently a family tradition that they had and we didn't have anything else going on that weekend.

While these are mostly benign questions and requests, we've had the random things such as a request for a Lyme's Disease test and bags and bags of socks that have been sent from visits, that were just so far out there, it really makes us wonder about the mental stability of both parents.  I suppose they're just trying to be parents and do and say things that seem like something a parent would care about, but the timing of some things are just a little off.

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