
Monthly Meeting #5

Our monthly meeting with the agency workers was last night.  Gloria and Lisa were there... Elaine was nowhere to be found... obviously.  Essentially, not a whole lot has changed with the case for Leonard and Penny.  The next court date is the first week of February, so maybe we'll know something then.  Gloria informed us today that the case plans have been scheduled for the week after next for each of the parents, but we aren't entirely sure what that means for the kids or for us.  Our best guess is that it means they will be informed of their case plans, disagree with what they're told, argue the points and set the whole case back about three months.  That seems to be the trend so far at least.  Things are basically at a standstill for now, but our monthly meetings at least allow us for a little bit of time to trade stories about what we think is going on.  We get to inform Lisa of the ridiculous requests that the parents make that Gloria relays to us during the month between meetings and I think she finds it quite entertaining.  I don't really remember anything else that we talked about right now, but there could very well be a part two to this post later.

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