
You Can't Always Get What You Want

That was the theme of our evening tonight.  After dinner and baths, the kids put on their pajamas, brush their teeth and then watch cartoons (if they've been earned through the sticker chart system) and then it's time for books and bed.  This is the way it has been since they came to us 12 weeks ago today... except for the newly implemented sticker chart portion of the evening.  Since our normal routine is that The Wife handles Leonard and Penny in the morning, getting up and ready for daycare, and I take care of the evening from bath time on, we have recently discussed how the kids are doing with taking care of themselves.  Leonard is a professional toothbrusher at this point, while Penny is slacking as much as possible.  When not given instruction on when to keep brushing or when to stop, Leonard brushes for about five minutes, while Penny brushes for maybe thirty seconds... which could explain the fact that we are only a little over a month removed from having four cavities filled.  Tonight was no different.  As I was brushing their hair and waiting for them to finish brushing, Penny stopped and started to put away her toothbrush.  I then informed her that she needed to keep brushing, like her brother was doing.  She shut down.  I told her that she needed to keep brushing again and she decided to fiddle with a headband that was laying nearby.  I immediately informed her that she would not be getting a sticker this evening and that meant no cartoons and that it was time for bed.  She completely melted down.  We have only seen her lose it about four times, but when she does it, it is in spectacular fashion.  I picked her up and carried her to her bed, as she was kicking and screaming and crying.  When I put her in bed, I told her that it was time for bed and that she needed to calm down.  That, of course, went real well.  So well, in fact, that The Wife came in to take over for me so I could see to Leonard getting done with his teeth and things, so he could get to his cartoon watching.  As Penny was screaming from her bed still, The Wife informed her that if she could not get herself under control, she would be staying home from gymnastics on Saturday.  About five seconds later, that became less of a threat and more of a reality.  Upside... we get to sleep in a little bit.  She continued to scream about not wanting to go to bed and not wanting to lay down.  The Wife told her that maybe tomorrow would be a better day and she would be able to join her brother in cartoons after bath time.

In other news... visits with the parents are tomorrow... can't wait to see what aisle of the grocery store they try to send home with us this week.

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