
I've Been Slacking

I was doing so well on keeping up with a blog a day.  Not so much since this whole moving thing came up.  I  finally got pictures of the new playroom and the kids' new room... so here they are:



We basically have the most amazing landlord at the new place also.  Not only did he promise to not tell us that we'd need to move in three months, he's been taking care of things for our new inspection.  In our state (and many others I'm sure), we have to fill out the paperwork and have the people from the state come out to the house for the new inspection.  We haven't had to do much, but our landlord has volunteered to do whatever we need in order to have everything in line for the state.  We have a chimney cleaner coming on Friday and there were two guys out today, for about ten hours, adding a railing and replacing boards on the back deck.  Even the guys working on the desk asked if we needed anything else done to meet licensing standards.

Leonard and Penny have adjusted well to the move and still refer to this house as "the new house" from time to time.  We have reassured them that we are not going back to the other house.  Over the course of the last week, they have traded personalities to some extent.  The always outgoing and happy Penny has taken to not using her words and not listening to us, whereas Leonard has been maintaining fairly well (at least for him) and not breaking into tears at every turn.  Penny lost it today when I told her to leave Leonard alone and then removed her from the situation.  Leonard continued looking at the book that he had been "reading" up to that point.  We were moderately amazed that he held it together.  When they first got to our house, they were so co-dependent on each other, that he would get upset just because she was upset.  Now it has reached the point that they actually enjoy going places without the other one (occasionally, not always) and they don't even play with each other a lot of the time.  Sure, they'll both be in the room together, but they aren't always playing with the same toys or even talking to each other.

It's been quite a turnaround from where we were a little over two and a half months ago, but this has definitely been good for both kids.  We know they aren't here forever, but while they are, we are trying to help them learn things that can continue to help them once they leave our house.

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