
The Waiting Place...

For people just waiting.

On a baby.


Don't get me wrong, I would much prefer that people take care of their kids on their own so they don't have to come into care, but we're all set up and just waiting for a baby.  Look!  We even have a little nursery area set up in The Kid's room.

We got our temporary permit a few days ago and I even made the call to the agency to let them know that we are ready for a baby placement.  We can't take any other ages right now, because we still have Leonard and Penny and we only have room (and a crib) for a baby.  Plus, three kids full-time and four kids for a few days a month should be plenty sufficient for us.  When we were first licensed in July, we waited a couple of weeks and then we were told to just call the agency and remind them that we had space and were licensed.  That was at about 9:30am on a Thursday.  At 3:40pm on the same day, we got a call to take Leonard and Penny.  I called the agency this past Thursday also, but we haven't heard anything yet.  Hopefully in the next few days, we'll have some news about a little one coming to us.

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