
Birthday Planning and Potty Training

Yeah... so The Wife and I talked about it today and we pretty much already decided on what we'll be getting Penny for her birthday in October.  Since we're moving, we have plenty of room to have everyone over to celebrate and hopefully the weather will cooperate so all of the kids can play in the backyard.  We're thinking that it's gonna be an afternoon of appetizers and small foods... so the kids can have more time to run themselves ragged.  When we had The Kid's birthday a few weeks ago, everyone didn't arrive until 6pm or so, and we were pushing bedtime for the little ones by the time dinner was being finished.

Potty training from the holiday weekend went really well.  Like surprisingly well.  Leonard made it through the whole day Sunday and most of the day on Monday wearing underwear (including the cookout Sunday at The Wife's parents' house and a trip to the farmstead for a couple of hours).  The only reason he didn't finish out the day yesterday was that he had a two year old tantrum about not being allowed to bring a ball home that belonged to another kid, so we decided that we didn't want a tantrum related accident on our hands.  Leonard informed The Wife that he would like to wear his underwear to daycare tomorrow.  When I got home and learned of this idea, I said, "I heard you want to wear underwear to daycare tomorrow?" and his response was, "I am.".  I guess that answered my question... although I'm not entirely sure he knew it was a question.  His teachers are going to be super surprised tomorrow.  We're hoping for minimal accidents while he's there.  Surely there will be a couple over the next few days... but we'll take it.

Not much else to say for now... but as I find myself on the couch watching Dora, I have to wonder... how does Swiper not speak Spanish?  He spends all of his time stealing from people who speak the language and he hasn't picked up any of it?  Seems a little far fetched for me.

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