
An Eventful Day

Morning meltdown, courtesy of Penny.

Underwear to daycare for the first time for Leonard.

A call from daycare about a rash that Leonard had.

And a trip to the doctor to find out that it's strep throat... with a touch of pinkeye.

I didn't have to deal directly with any of the trials and tribulations of the day, but it was a no good, very bad day for The Wife. 

The morning meltdown was related to something about shoes.  Both kids have had issues with asking for help since they came to our house.  It was understandable for Leonard, since he's 2... but still not excusable.  Penny generally asks for help, but this morning she decided to not ask for help with her tennis shoes.  The Wife gave her a few minutes, but then it came down to time to leave or they would be late to daycare, in turn making her late for work.  When she wouldn't ask for help and it was time to go, The Wife took the socks off of Penny's feet and gave her some slip on (non-sock requiring) shoes to wear.  Penny took this very poorly and started bawling.  And when Leonard sees his big sister crying, he gets upset and cries.  Luckily, "stop crying" works on him.

We had three changes of underwear and shorts packed and ready to take to daycare today.  Leonard really wanted to wear underwear and no diaper, so we let him.  He had done so well over the weekend, we really wanted to see him make it through a full day without us telling him to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes or so.  He was at daycare for 6 hours, with 4 successful trips to the bathroom... well... three successful trips and one time he just didn't have to go.  He wore them all evening and we changed him into a diaper for bedtime  It's gonna be a while on the bedtime underwear... man that kid pees a lot at night.

The call was because of a rash, but as it turns out, it's a reaction to strep throat.  I have a feeling that he will thoroughly enjoy his day tomorrow.  Leonard will be staying home from daycare, since he will be contagious for the first 24 hours on medicine.  He seems to be in really good spirits about the whole thing.  According to what The Wife has said about the day, he was in a very good mood and smiling and talkative for the entire afternoon.  I have to assume that he just isn't used to the one on one attention, since he's the little brother.  The doctor even ran the strep test on him twice and he took it like a champ.  Ten days of medicine and he'll be like new.

All in all, the eventful day turned out somewhat ok.  I'm not sure that The Wife would agree... but as somewhat of an outsider, it looks like it to me.


  1. The wife does NOT agree.

  2. My name is Melissa and my friend Kim and I are starting up a foster care/adoption blog. We want to share stories of foster care and adoption to help inspire others to get involved. We are hoping to help people to open their hearts and minds to foster care. We would love to share your story. If you would like to share it, you can email it to makingbettermemories@hotmail.com. Our blog is makingbettermemories.blogspot.com. You can also send photos if you want. We love to hear stories. Thank you so much, Melissa
