
Things... and Other Things

Oscar ended up staying at his grandparents' house through Sunday night and his grandpa even dropped him off at daycare for us.  When The Wife picked him up after work yesterday, he was all smiles.  He was even super happy once he got home.  Of course, he didn't want to be put down... but he was smiling and laughing all evening.  Bedtime wasn't as rough as we had thought it would be, but he did wake up about thirty minutes later, only to fall back asleep pretty much instantly once I picked him up and he let out a burp.  The middle of the night was a completely different story.  When Oscar woke up for his 2am bottle, it went very smoothly... and he was back asleep in about twenty minutes.  Unfortunately, a little before 4am, he was up again because his butt had exploded into his diaper.  There's no other way to say it.  It was really bad.  After a new diaper and new pajamas and about an hour of rocking and holding him (which must be why they say nothing good happens after 2am), he fell back asleep for the last couple of hours of the morning.

Court for Oscar is on Thursday.  We are relatively certain that the judge will begin the arrangements for him to be moved to his grandparents' house full-time.  They already have everything done, as they were a kinship placement previously, so, in theory, that should mean that all we need to get done is some paperwork for Oscar to make the move.  We will know more on Thursday, but we would really like to see him make the transition to be with them full-time for the holidays, so he isn't being carted around town between different houses.

Potty training for Leonard is still going strong.  He's really good about his number ones... but the twosies get him almost every time.  Sunday went the same as Saturday, with a completely successful day.  Yesterday at daycare, he had one accident, which is several less than any day last week.  We are tentatively calling it a success for now.

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