This blog has gotten super boring, and all the nagging in the world isn't getting my (admittedly, very busy) husband back to it, so I (the wife) am popping in to give a quick update. Things are changing rapidly around our house!
Two weeks ago, we accepted placement of an 8 year old girl. She is very funny, and very mature for her age, but does not sleep through the night. Like, ever. Like... our 3 month old sleeps better than she does. It has been rough, friends. We are extremely tired, especially now that I'm back to work.
My husband would never admit it, because he wouldn't want to make me look bad, but he is a MUCH better night-time parent than I am. Like... no comparison, not even in the same ballpark, better. It is all I can do to muster up the energy to feed the baby, and I mainly do that laying down. So this is kicking my ass. And by this, I mean... it's kicking my ass when my HUSBAND gets up to go deal with her. Sneak peak of our night last night, and it was one of the better ones...
7:30pm: Baby goes to bed.
8:00pm: 8 year old goes to bed.
9:30pm: Husband and wife go to bed. (Yes, we go to bed this early to deal with all of the nightwaking!)
1:00am: Baby wakes up to eat, wife mostly cheerfully pulls out boob, goes back to sleep.
1:30am: Knock knock knock. Husband goes to deal with 8 year old.
2:15am: Wife shakes husband awake. "8 year old is crying loudly, go deal with it."
3:30am: Baby wakes up to eat, wife moans loudly, protestingly pulls out boob, goes back to sleep.
4:45am: Baby wakes up for no discernible reason, wife pulls out boob, does not pacify baby, shakes husband awake. "Baby is awake. Will not go back to sleep. Holy hell, I'm so tired. Whinewhinewhinecakes."
4:45am: Husband and sleepy whiny baby retire to the nursery, where husband will rock baby while watching Netflix until 6am.
6:00am: Husband wakes wife as requested, hands her hungry baby. Wife moans about lack of sleep. Husband promises to do as much as possible tomorrow night.
I realize this does not make me seem like a super delightful person, or parent. Yet it is the bitter, bitter truth. My husband is a saint.
Anyway, this will be a short term placement. Background checks have cleared and house walk-throughs are being accomplished to move her to a relative placement. She is delightful during the daytime, but we will not be super sad to see her go. Sleep is important.
Baby update: Baby has started daycare with my sister-in-law. He spends his days hanging out with his two year old cousin. He is almost 14 pounds, teething, and mostly very smiley. We are very pleased with our progeny.
Home update: Remember how I mentioned daycare? Like... last paragraph? That's not going to be lasting very long. I don't know how you people who work full time with small children do it, but it is making us Insane. Capital I. I will be working out the end of the year, and becoming a full-time Parent, Housekeeper, Errand Runner Extraordinaire. I have promised the husband that I will get up with the baby every single time, as soon as I stay at home, and he works a million hours to make this possible.
I hope the baby sleeps through the night by then, or I'm screwed.