That was just for The Wife. And anyone else that recognizes mid to late 90s girl rap music I suppose.
It has been brought to my attention that I have really been slacking on the blog. That may be because I've posted about four things since May, but who knows really.
The Boy is doing very well these days. He's up to 12.4 pounds and just keeps gaining. Today he's 2 months old. That's not to say he wasn't doing well before, but he had the IV antibiotics in the hospital for the mystery illness that didn't really exist. At this point, I don't even remember what it was called, but I was told by a nurse that lots of babies get it and then they take the medicine and it goes away. Every time. So that didn't really make sense to me, but he's good now and they let us leave after a few extra days to complete the week, so we'll call that a win.
His hair fell out one day. Seriously... in one day. Weirdest thing ever. We thought that we had gotten past the hair falling out and then all of a sudden it was gone. He does still have a patch that seems to be sticking around for a while at the bottom of the back of his head. It happened around the five week mark. It's starting to come back in dark and fast. He went from completely bald (minus the patch) to having basically full coverage, albeit thin, on his whole head.
In the last few days, we have actually been getting some sleep. He likes to sleep on us, which isn't a big deal... except for the fact that he's THE LOUDEST BABY (OR MAYBE PERSON) EVER. He lets out giant sighs in his sleep and occasionally he barks like a puppy. We don't have a dog, so he's doing this all on his own and hasn't heard it elsewhere to imitate.
He also is super smiley in the mornings and actually enjoys getting his diaper changed... even at 4am sometimes. Other times he screams, but the majority of the time, he just smiles away. It's a lot to take in at the crack of dawn... but we love him anyway.
We consider ourselves very lucky to have such a happy and healthy baby and we can't wait to see what he does next. He'd really like to sit up, stand up, and crawl all over the place... but his coordination and motor skills are not quite up to where they need to be for those things. All in good time friend.... all in good time.